01 Feb

Customer satisfaction and loyalty are two key factors you should look for while pursuing organisational success and long-term growth for your company. Fortunately, both these factors are naturally a part of customer service that has always kept the customers happy and ensured their ongoing loyalty thus, contributed their share to the corporate growth. But with the passing time, as the expectations of customers are continuously evolving along with the complexity in providing them the desired services, various businesses can be seen struggling to maintain the strategic value and profitability of their organisations.

One solution to this problem can be staffing and managing your own internal call center but various examples over the past years have shown that this can indeed be a challenging and costly part of your direct-to-customer business and can often time, represent 3% or more of net sales. Another alternative is outsourcing your customer support services (whether in part or in full) to an eligible 3rd party service provider in order to support your growing business. By opting for an expert outsourcing company, you also assure your company the sound investment and leave customer support in the hands of capable representatives.

There are a number of ways customer support outsourcing can enable profitability for your business. Read out below to find the various advantages of this move along with how your company can enjoy a sound financial future.

Comparatively Much Lower Cost per Call

As a business leader, do you know your costs? No, I am not talking about the hourly labor rate but the total cost per transaction which also includes-

a) Payroll and benefits costs for agents, supervisors, and management

b) IT systems and software

c) Telecom

d) HR recruiting and training (including employee turnover)

e) Space and utility costs

Calculate these to understand your costs per transaction, order and call. Now, when you compare these costs with outsourcing, you will realise how cheaper your cost per call will be than an internally managed operation. As a result, you can reinvest the saved money into your business thus generating more revenue.

Building Healthy Relationships

If you are thinking that profits only come from customers buying a product, then my friend, you are mistaken. How well the customers relate to your brand and how happily they promote it to their peers also plays an important role in your company’s profitability and overall revenue generation.

By assuring round-the-clock availability to your customers through outsourcing customer support services, you will motivate them to see your brand as something they can rely upon. This further leads to the building of a trustworthy relation along with adding value to your business as well which, in turn, help your business generate more profits.

Focus on Core Competencies

Outsourcing customer support will eventually leave other employees with ample amount of time to focus on other core activities related to company’s growth. How? Without the customer support component to worry about, each leader can focus entirely on the most important aspects of their daily operations. This will eventually lead to professional improvements, developing better quality products, meeting quotas and various other integral aspects of any business, further leading to better profitability and a higher revenue.

Optimizing Your Work Environment

Your business cannot function efficiently if your employees aren’t performing accordingly. Yes, it’s true, you may not know but profits also come from well-rested workers. And outsourcing your customer support services does exactly that.

I. Your IT-related services can be limited to the very needs of established departments.

II. Your managers and board members will be exempt from planning strategies that involve customer services.

All the departments and related employees simply have to check with the outsourcing firms to ensure whether teams actions align with what was expected of them or not. This will further add up to the promise of work-life balance and in due time, lead your motivated team to promising results and a higher revenue for your company.

Long-Term Strategic Planning

Long-term growth is something every business whether small or large looks forward to. However, long-term growth also requires a long-term planning (which is justifiable) because, over time, your business will grow and with it the responsibilities as well but will your in-house customer service team grow that easily? The probability is probably low. Though, if you go for an outsourcing company, you won’t have to worry about this as call centers always have a ready pool of staff. Also, they are well used to growing in accordance with the growing demands of client companies. So, your needs might increase but your expenses won’t (at least not enough to matter).


Profitability is something that moves any company forward and toward other related goals. But efficiently managing the costs and expenses that come with it is what contribute mostly to generating revenue and maintaining them in the right balance. No wonder, customer support plays such an integral role in attaining and retaining the target market.

Original Source: https://www.theoctopustech.com/role-of-customer-support-outsourcing-in-revenue-generation/